Learning Outcome:
(8.1) I can apply my understanding of a balanced diet to suggest improvement to what I eat.
Students can be encouraged to use a calorie counter app that allows them to monitor what they are eating and improve their diet. My Net Diary ( and Fooducate ( are two examples.
Learning Outcome:
(8.1) I can describe how microbes can be useful and identify examples.
Students can be asked to record a short video describing how microbes can be useful. Educators can create a Teams assignment through Flip ( Students can learn from each other by viewing and commenting on each other’s video.
Learning Outcome:
(8.2) I can describe the periodic table as the list of elements and identify metals and non-metals.
Teachers can organise a quiz asking students to identify metals and non-metals using gamification tools such as Quizizz ( or Kahoot! (
Learning Outcome:
(8.3) I can show that some substances dissolve in water (soluble) and others do not (insoluble).
Students can present their research about soluble and insoluble substances by making use of online presentation tools such as Office 365 Sway ( Sway also allows students collaborate on the same presentation and share their findings with the rest of the class.
Learning Outcome:
(8.4) I can draw rays to show how objects can be seen.
Students can experiment with ray diagrams using an interactive simulator like the one found on The Physics Classroom (
Learning Outcome:
(8.4) I can describe the function of the different parts of the eye.
ClassVR ( has some good 3D models of the eye, which can be explored by students via the VR Headsets. The model “How do Eyes Work?” allows students to explore the eye and learn about focusing. The model “Human Eye” can be used to teach eye anatomy.
Learning Outcome:
(8.6) I can identify energy sources as renewable (solar, wind and biomass) or non-renewable (fossil fuels, nuclear).
Teachers can make use of Learning Apps ( and/or Educaplay ( to create online interactive exercises about renewable and non-renewable resources. These exercises can be used in class through the IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) or sent to students via a Teams Assignment for self-assessment.
Learning Outcome:
(8.7) I can carry out observations during a fieldwork activity.
Students can use various digital tools to record these observations. They can use a smartphone or tablet camera to take photos or videos of observations. They can use a digital voice recorder (or a smartphone) to verbally describe observations. They can use a geolocation app like Google Maps ( to map and tag the location of observations.
Learning Outcome:
(8.8) I can describe the Solar System as made up of the Sun and all the planets orbiting it.
Google maps ( can be used to allow students to navigate to and zoom in on a number of different solar bodies. The website Solar System Scope ( allows students to view the solar system as a whole, as well as focus on different planets in more detail.
Learning Outcome:
(8.8) I can explain some benefits of space exploration such as the use of GPS, weather forecasting and communication.
Teachers can make use of the ClassVR ( virtual reality headsets to provide virtual reality experiences to explore the International Space Station and/or other celestial bodies. Teachers can also make use of simulation tools such as Google Earth ( to show the applications of GPS and Windfinder ( to help demonstrate the impact that satellite-based weather forecasting has on our daily lives.
Learning Outcome:
(LS 7.15) I can understand and identify individual words in continuous speech
The teacher can provide students with an audio clip/video clip containing a complex message. The audio/video can be recorded using a laptop or a mobile device and it can then be edited using Microsoft Photos on Windows 10 in case of a video or Audicity in case of a sound clip. The teacher can play the clip in class on the IWB or send it to the students using Microsoft Teams. Students can use apps like Padlet or Answergarden to extract keywords and share them with the rest of the class. The teacher can then project the responses using the IWB.
Learning Outcome:
(LS 7.6) I can prepare a presentation and take part in a discussion to state what I think and give my reasons.
Students use presentation tools such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Sway or Prezi to present their ideas as part of the discussion.
Learning Outcome:
(W 7.7) I can produce different text types.
Using a number of available digital tools students can create a poster or advert and present it in class. Such tools include Spark Poster and Microsoft Publisher. Students can create a blog post describing a place or writing a biography. Sway and Blogger are two tools that can be used for this purpose.
Alternatively, teachers can use ClassNotebook on Microsoft Teams to create a shared space. Students can use their own section to write an essay (and optionally add media like pictures and videos) related to the topic assigned by the teacher.
Learning Outcome:
(LIT 7.2B)
I can show my understanding of drama texts I have studied by answering
questions about theme/s, character, plot and setting.
Learning Outcome:
(LIT 7.6) I can show my personal response to literacy text by speaking and/or writing about the text in a creative and engaging way.
Students record themselves on their devices (mobile phone, tablet or computer) to create a short video online using Fligrip or a short audio clip using Vocaroo.
Another option for students would be to use apps like Sway, Onenote or MS PowerPoint to give their personal written response about the text in a creative way.
Learning Outcome:
(R 7.1) I can work out what unfamiliar words mean.
The teacher can provide the students with a passage containing unfamiliar words followed by a quiz created using Microsoft Forms. The quiz may contain a mix of Multiple Choice and Short Text format questions, from where they can either choose or enter the correct definition of the words indicated.
Learning Outcome:
(5) Infisser għaliex jintużaw f’testi differenti, fosthom dawk letterarji, il-figuri tal-ħoss u t-taħdit bħall-alliterazzjoni, ir-rima, l-onomatopea, il-personifikazzjoni, il-metafora sempliċi u s-similitudni, u naf noħloq eżempji oħra bħalhom f’diskorsi.
Jużaw il-Flipgrid (fuq Windows u anki app tal-mowbajl). Bħala attività għad-dar, biha jistgħu jirrekordjaw lilhom infushom waqt li qed jirreċtaw xi poeżija li fiha il-figuri tal-ħoss u t-taħdit imsemmija. L-għalliema tirċievi dawn il-vidjows u tista’ turihom u tevalwahom fil-lezzjoni li jmiss. Għodda oħra hija Spiral li fiha l-istudent jista jwieġeb billi jirrekordja leħnu. Jekk l-istudenti jkollom access ghall-device filklassi bhall mobile jew tablet, jistghu jaghmlu uzu mis-sound recording feature tad-device jew il-camera biex jigbdu vidjow. Vocaroo tahdem l-istess bhall Spiral fejn l-istudent jista’ jirrikordja lehnu u jibaghtu lill-ghalliem.
Learning Outcome:
(3) Nisma’ test letterarju u nsegwi d-diskors dirett bejn żewġ karattri jew aktar, u nagħraf tixbihat, aġġettivi u karatteristiċi oħra tal-lingwaġġ bħall-figuri tal-ħoss u t-taħdit, it-ton, u l-effetti tagħhom fuq ir-rakkont.
Isegwu filmati fuq testi letterarji li jinsabu fuq YouTube jew Vimeo permezz ta’ Clip fuq Spiral. L-istudenti jistgħu jirrispondu sett ta’ domandi relatati mat-testi. Ideja ohra tista’ tkun li l-istudenti jidhlu fuq is-sit tax-xandir pubbliku,, u jsegwu programm addattat bejn 2 karattri jew iktar, permezz tal- feature ‘On Demand’ u minnha johorgu l-punti mitluba minnhom. Opzjoni ohra tista’ tkun li jinqasmu fi gruppi, fejn kull grupp jirrecta tahdida bejn karattri li jistghu ikunu fittizji, u jirrikordjaw lilhom nfushom permezz ta’ video recording app fuq d-device. Wara, dawn il-vidjows jistgħu jiġu uploadjati fuq Microsoft Teams biex ikunu jistgħu jintwerew mill-ghalliem fil-klassi fuq l-IWB u l-gruppi l-ohrajn johorgu dak li hu mitlub minnhom.
Learning Outcome:
(5) Nagħraf li ġeneri differenti ta’ kitba għandhom funzjonijiet differenti u jinqdew b’reġistri differenti, ngħidu aħna, riklami biex ibigħu, kotba fattwali biex jgħallmu, rumanzi popolari biex jagħtu gost, novelli umoristiċi biex idaħħku, gazzetti biex jinfurmaw u l-bqija.
Għodda bħal Sway fuq Office 365 tista tintuża minn l-istudenti individwalment jew fi gruppi sabiex tiġi preżentata informazzjoni dwar ġeneri differeti ta kitba.
Learning Outcome:
(13) Nikteb kitbiet argumentattivi fejn infisser il-vantaġġi u l-iżvantaġġi ta’ pożizzjoni, opinjoni u l-bqija ta’ bejn 200 u 250 kelma bbażati fuq informazzjoni riċerkata.
L-istudenti jistgħu jipprezentaw ix-xogħol tagħhom b’diversi riżorsi bħal uzu ta Office 365 Sway, Shared Document fuq il-One Drive, Email, ecc. L-ghalliem jista’ jiffacilita dan billi johloq assignment fuq MS Teams, jew jitlob lill-istudenti itellghu ix-xoghol taghhom fuq il-Class Notebook.
Learning Outcome:
(21) Nikteb reċensjoni ta’ film/dramm li nkun rajt u ktieb li nkun qrajt u nagħti l-fehmiet tiegħi fuq il-produzzjoni artistika, il-ġrajja, il-karattri u l-bqija.
L-istudenti, fi gruppi, jikkollaboraw bejniethom bl-użu ta’ word processor online, bhall ma huwa MS Word online. B’hekk joħolqu dokument wieħed fejn jesprimu il-fehmiet tagħhom bħala grupp. Jistghu ukoll jintuzaw online apps fuq d-device tal-istudent, fejn huma jistghu jiktbu l-hsibijiet taghhom biex aktar tard, jaqsmuhom mal-bqija tal-klassi. Jistghu jintuzaw note taking apps bhall Evernote, Padlet u Onenote.
Learning Outcome:
I can distinguish between physical and mental harm.
Learning Apps allows the teacher to create a different variety of activities, like matching exercises in order to revise and review information.
Using quizzing apps like Quizizz, Plickers, or Kahoot!, the teacher can gamify this lesson and present the information as a quiz.
If using MS Forms, the teacher can also combine MS Forms with the Teams app as an assignment to get automatic grading.
Learning Outcome:
I can explain the idea of freedom, e.g. Freedom of Choice.
Students can create digital objects using various digital tools: For example, students can record audio and/or visual content using a digital device such as a tablet. Photos and videos can be edited into a story using video editing software such as Microsoft Photos while audio can be edited using Audicity. The Slideshow on Adobe Spark can be used to create a video from a series of photos or images.
Learning Outcome:
I can recognise the differences between religious and secular moralities.
Students can create presentations using presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Sway on Office 365. Students can also create digital posters such as Social Media posts using the Collage tool on Adobe Spark.
Learning Outcome:
I can recognise that the three different monotheistic religions, Christinity, Islam and Judaism, generate different moral cultures.
Team Work – Students from the same team can collaborate and work concurrently to create a presentation using the online version of Office 365 Powerpoint or MS Sway
Learning Outcome:
(Unit 8.1, Objective 3, LO 1)
I can label parts of a Viking knar and longship.
The teacher uses video/s to provide the students with the necessary details about the Vikings’ ships. For the second part of the lesson the teacher can use Learning Apps or Educaplay to allow students to reinforce their learning by labelling ships.
Learning Outcome:
(Unit 8.2, Objective 3, LO 10)
I can produce a structured research about the complex reasons for the plague and its consequences in the form of a chart, illustrated essay or power point presentation.
The students will be divided in groups and have to carry out research about a particular issue related to the plague. This can be done by adding students to different private channels in a MS Teams team. The groups will be asked to present their research in class using a presentation tool like MS PowerPoint, Sway, Prezi (Basic plan), Animaker (Free version).
Learning Outcome:
(Unit 8.3, Objective 3, LO 3)
I can identify some of the medieval architectural heritage found in Mdina, Birgu and the Gozo Citadel and state its use today.
The students will be presented with the different architectural styles which can be found in Imdina. Information about the original purpose of the main buildings will be given together with their present use. This can be done using VR technology through the 360 degree videos about Imdina, created by the Digital Literacy Directorate.
Learning Outcome:
(Unit 8.4, Objective 2, LO 6)
I can name some of the most important masterpieces of the Renaissance (e.g. The Last Supper, the Vatican, the Statue of David etc.)
The students divided in groups will be given a link from the teacher to carry out a puzzle of a famous Renaissance painting in class. The puzzle can be created by the teacher from sites such as I’m a Puzzle.
The teacher can also create a digital quiz using Kahoot! or Quizizz in class by inserting photos of famous Renaissance paintings. Students can team up to give their answers through a portable device. Alternatively teachers can use Plickers.
Learning Outcome:
(Unit 8.5, Objective 3, LO 8)
I can speak about how various sectors of the Maltese must have felt on hearing that Malta was to be granted to the Knights of St.John.
The students will be given the task to create a diary for homework of a person coming from a particular sector of society living at the time of the events discussed. Then the student will be asked to present it to the rest of the class on the interactive whiteboard or on Class Notebook in Microsoft Teams. This diary can also take the form of an audio diary using Vocaroo were students record themselves explaining what they felt when they heard about this news.