Learning Outcome:
(7.1) I can recall important laboratory safety rules.
Students can be asked to record a short video describing some important laboratory safety rules. Educators can create a Teams assignment through Flip ( Students can learn from each other by viewing and commenting on each other’s video.
Learning Outcome:
(7.1) I can light the Bunsen burner safely.
Educators can show a video demonstration to the class on the IFP ( or similar) and share the video with their students via Microsoft Teams.
Learning Outcome:
(7.1) I can perform simple experimental tasks within my group.
Use digital devices’ cameras to record step by step procedure as part of developing skill at documenting experimental procedure. Images can be included in printed report or used to create an online presentation. A possible presentation tool is Microsoft Sway (, since all students have a free licence included as part of their Office 365 subscription.
Learning Outcome:
(7.2) I can differentiate between vertebrates, invertebrates and the five groups of vertebrates.
Using containers in ActiveInspire to sort different organisms into the different groups
Learning Outcome:
(7.2) I can identify examples of local habitats and some locally occurring plants and animals.
Educator can set up Matching Pairs Activity on Learning Apps (, in which students pair different habitat descriptions with images showing the habitat, as well as example of local plants and animals matched with their names.
Learning Outcome:
(7.3) I can use the particle model to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Use the Class VR Headset to explore changing states of matter in a VR environment. Play the Changing States track located in the ClassVR library on Here students can see the particles in a solid block of ice and observe their movement as heat is added.
Learning Outcome:
(7.4) I can identify different forms of energy such as stored, movement, heat, electrical, light and sound.
Educators can create a digital worksheet to identify different forms of energy. This worksheet can be created by using Office 365 Forms ( which is a tool that enables educators to create graded quizzes. Froms quizzes can be sent to the students through a Microsoft Teams assignment.
Learning Outcome:
(7.4) I can ask simple scientific questions which I can investigate in practice.
Carbon Footprint PBL Game: Students can use digital devices, if available, to research information about Energy and its link to the Carbon Footprint, and then use this information to set up a board game, using resources (images etc) downloaded from the Web. They can use templates from Twinkl ( for setting up their board game.
Learning Outcome:
(7.5) I can construct basic electrical circuits and describe the characteristics of series and parallel circuits.
Use Online Circuit Builder ( to simulate various circuits online, as well as set up and experiment with different layouts safely.
Learning Outcome:
(7.5) I can link conductors and insulators with examples of everyday use.
Students can create a conductivity tester using Micro:Bit microcontroller to test the electrical conductivity of materials. An example can be accessed here:
More exemplar science lessons involving Micro:Bit can be accessed here.
Learning Outcome:
(7.7) I can recall the basic parts of the light microscope.
Educators can search for ready made RLO (Reusable Learning Object) such as this Labelling the Microscope activity here: Similar activities can be created using tools such as Educaplay ( and Learning Apps ( These interactive activities can be used in class on the IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) or sent to the students using a Microsoft Teams.
Learning Outcome:
(L7) (LOF 7.5) I can outline on a map the city of Melita in Roman times to determine its size in relation to Mdina today.
Students can use the ClassVR to experience the architectural style of the fortifications of Mdina dating back to the Arab conquest. Mdina 360 vidoes can be accessed here.
English Language
Learning Outcome:
(W 7.5) I can write appropriately for an audience and with a purpose.
Students create an article/advert etc, keeping in mind the audience and purpose (for example writing an article in the school magazine), using apps like Canva, Evernote, Microsoft Docs, Publisher etc.
Canva Tutorial
Publisher Tutorial
OneNote Tutorial
Evernote Tutorials
Learning Outcome:
(LS 7.11) I can listen for gist and subsidiary ideas.
Using Learning Apps, the teacher combines a video clip with questions related to the clip. At some predefined points in the clip, that the teacher chooses, the clip will pause and wait for students to answer the question, before resuming with the clip.
Learning Apps Tutorial
Learning Outcome:
(R 7.10) I can evaluate and respond to texts, which may include visuals and graphics.
Students look at adverts/websites/posters/map (with non linear texts) and answer questions on them, in the form of a comprehension. Tools can include online maps (like Google Maps), adverts on social media, posters created by teachers using Adobe Spark etc. Then students can respond to texts using Microsoft Forms, IWB software, or verbally.
Adobe Spark Tutorial
Microsoft Forms Tutorial
Learning Outcome:
(sp 7.2) I can take part in a role-playing exercise, taking on a character role and adopting the appropriate communicative strategies of familiar situations.
Students can record their own voice using a phone app or the easySpeak recorder (available from the Centre), or use Flipgrid (topic and role set by teacher) to video-record themselves. These recordings can then be shared in class.
Flipgrid Tutorial
Learning Outcome:
(4) Il-qari bis-sens u l-fehim mill-ġeneri u stili differenti ta’ kitba filwaqt li jingħaraf it-tħaddim ta’ reġistri differenti.
L-istudenti jaghmlu uzu minn rizorsi li jinsabu fuq l-Internet bhal gazzetti, artikli, dokumeni biex ifittxu l-informazzjoni.
Learning Outcome:
(21) Il-kitba diġitali bil-Malti u l-użu ta’ mezzi teknoloġiċi biex tiġi ppreżentata l-kitba.
l-istudenti joħolqu preżentazzjoni diġitali b’applikazzjonijiet li jippermettu użu ta’ materjal awdjo viżiv u jaqsmuha ma sħabhom.
PowerPoint Tutorial
Learning Outcome:
(3) Is-smigħ ta’ siltiet differenti dwar firxa ta’ suġġetti u sitwazzjonijiet u t-tweġib ta’ mistoqsijiet u t-tqabbil mal-esperjenzi personali.
L-istudenti jkunu preżentati b’materjal awdjo (irrekordjat minn qabel).
Learning Outcome:
(13) Il-kitba ta’ rakkonti fittizji.
L-istudenti jistgħu jippjanaw ix-xogħol tagħhom permezz ta’ mindmaps. Mindmeister – Dan jista’ wkoll jintuża minn Microsoft Teams.
Mindmaster Tutorial
Learning Outcome:
(11) Issir riċerka dwar għadd ta’ temi minn sorsi varji.
L-istudenti jagħmlu użu minn riżorsi li jinsabu fuq l-Internet bħal gazzetti, artikli, dokumenti biex ifittxu l-informazzjoni
Learning Outcome:
(6) I can identify, measure, estimate and draw angles; I can find missing angles formed by parallel lines and transversals.
Use interactive and online game quizes:
Learning Outcome:
(8) I can recognise, add and subtract directed numbers.
Students use online simulations to understand probability by experiment.
Learning Outcome:
(7) I can read, use and convert different units of time; read and use the clock; calculate time intervals; read and use a calendar, a timetable and a time-line.
Online tools; iLearn Maths; Students use Excel to design bar charts and frequency charts. (All teachers and students have access to Office 365)
Learning Outcome:
(6) I can identify, measure, estimate and draw angles; I can find missing angles formed by parallel lines and transversals.
Use the mathematical tools found in the IWB Software (ActiveInspire) to solve problems involving missing angles. One can also use the Maths tools in ClassNotebook (through Teams) or OneNote.
Ruler and Protractor
Set Square and Compass
XY Origin Tool
Class Notebook Math Tools
Learning Outcome:
(2) I can distinguish the difference between rights and wants.
Students use online game “Needs and Wants“.
Learning Outcome:
(3) I can give examples of different family cultures, which are a reality of multicultural societies like Malta.
Students research videos/photos of different family cultures and present their finding to class on any digital tool for example Sway, PowerPoint, Video, Padlet etc.
Learning Outcome:
(4) I can build a case against bullying
Flipgrid – Spoken, video Comicstrip – As a basis for the story, Online shared document like Office365 (for group work) Any sound recording tool like, a sound recorder on a mobile device etc.
Flipgrid Tutorial
Learning Outcome:
(5) I can describe how wildlife is the natural heritage of the whole humanity
Learning Outcome:
(6) I can present an argument on the need to respect human and animal life in all its forms
Learning Outcome:
(2) I am able to use a word-processor.
Give students a task to find information on a topic from the internet using search engine. Information must come from at least 3 different sources. They select the information found, copy and paste it to word. They manipulate the found text and images accordingly, and include sources as a list at the end of the document. They also have to format the collected information so that it is uniformly presented.
Learning Outcome:
(4) I can differentiate between hardware and software.
Give students a Kahoot exercise where they have to distinguish between hardware and software in a quiz form. Alternative apps can be used, like Quizziz, Learning Apps, EducaPlay or Microsoft Forms to achieve the same outcome.
Learning Apps
Learning Outcome:
(9) I can identify and distinguish between the various types of storage devices e.g. solid-state hard drive, optical drives and online storage resources.
Students are given a task to prepare a presentation at home on topics of storage devices, using any program (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Sway). The student have to present the finished work on the IWB to their classmates.
Learning Outcome:
(12) I am able to work in a team to create a robot that completes a simple task.
Give students a list of instructions. Students have to describe/draw the steps and actions that the robot will do. Suggested exercise: Students discuss given set of instructions in groups. Students prepare path and actions followed and represent this on their AIOs.
Learning Outcome:
(12) I am able to work in a team to create a robot that completes a simple task.
Give students a list of instructions that contains errors, as well as the expected outcome of actions. Students have to identify the errors in the list of instructions, and suggest corrections that allow the robot to achieve the desired outcome.
Foreign Languages
Learning Outcome:
(5) Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about oneself.
Give students a list of instructions Students collaborate using collaborative online tools to create digital products.
Learning Outcome:
(11) Can understand short texts on subjects of personal interest written with simple words and supported by illustrations and pictures.
The students are requested to fill a Microsoft Form created by the teacher. All teachers and students have access to Office 365 tools such as Forms. Office 365 tools can be accessed by logging on to and clicking on the App Launcher icon top left.
Learning Outcome:
(16) Can write one or more sentences/questions to interact in a communicative way using simple words and formulaic expressions.
The students use Microsoft Sway to create a presentation about themselves, about others, where they live and what they do. All teachers and students have access to Office 365 tools such as Sway. Office 365 tools can be accessed by logging on to and clicking on the App Launcher icon top left. Select Sway from the list of apps.