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Digital Literacy Malta
The Directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills
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Digital Education Strategy
Dokument għall-konsultazzjoni pubblika
Public Consultation Document
Video of the launch of the Digital Education Strategy Public Consultation
Digital Tools
Guidelines for Online Teaching
FAQ Secondary
Digital Tools: Good Practices in Schools
COPE Sessions for Middle and Secondary Educators : 2023 – 2024
Year 7 – Technology-Mediated Exemplars
Year 8 – Technology-Mediated Exemplars
Subject Based Content
Online Tutorials
Free Learning Tools
Other Contributions by Secondary Staff
Micro: Bits in Science
Microsoft Lens
Microsoft Bookings
Offline RLOs
Open source Initiatives
One Tablet per Child
Virtual Reality Headsets
Exam Reader Pens
Digital Citizenship
Embed Digital Literacy Awards
Embed Digital Literacy Workshops for students
PlayCon 2022
IEEE R8 Robot Championship
Erasmus+ project – Developing Digital Competencies
Future Classroom
Microsoft Internship
Gemini Project
Digital Literacy Professional Learning and Initiatives (2022-2023)
Calendar of Events
English Circulars
Maltese Circulars
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Professional Development / Exemplars
Digital Literacy Exemplars
Digital Tools: Good Practices in Schools
Micro:bit In Science Lessons
Microsoft 365
Creating and Sharing a Calendar on Outlook Online
How can I access my iLearn email?
How can I edit a PDF document?
How can students print a Microsoft Forms Quiz?
How do I access office 365 apps?
How do I access Teams and how do I join a Team with a Code? (For Students)
How do I add the recording tab in PowerPoint?
How do I check that I have a recovery Email and Mobile number on my Microsoft Account?
How do I download the latest version of Microsoft 365 on my computer?
How do I install Microsoft Lens on my Mobile Device?
How do I install the Microsoft Word app on my phone or tablet? (For Students)
How do I scan a document using Microsoft Lens?
How do I set the correct time zone on Outlook?
How do I share an Outlook Calendar?
How do I upload a OneDrive document in a Microsoft Teams Assignment?
I lost my iLearn password, how can I reset it?
Sharing Files or Folders on OneDrive
The Teams Desktop App is saving my login details, how can I remove them?
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Microsoft Teams
How can I correct assignments which are submitted as word documents?
How can I create a reading assignment using Teams?
How do I add my work to an assignment? (For Students)
How do I create an assignment using a class notebook page?
How do I create Teams assignments using Flipgrid?
How do I fill in a Class Notebook Page Assignment? (For Students)
How do I insert a photo in a Microsoft Word assignment on Teams? (For Students)
How do I send an assignment to multiple Teams?
How do I submit a Flipgrid assignment on my mobile or tablet? (For Students)
How do I write inside a word document in an assignment? (For Students)
How do Students hand in assignments using Class Notebook in Microsoft Teams?
How to set up a Quiz and send it as an assignment on Teams?
I cannot access Assignments on the mobile Teams App? (For Students)
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How do I avoid students from disrupting the lesson?
How do I check my microphone and camera settings before joining a meeting?
How do I disable the chat feature in a Meeting?
How do I disallow students from unmuting themselves?
How do I download the attendance for a Teams Meeting?
How do I find my video recordings for Teams meetings?
How do I know who was present for my lesson if I forget to download the attendance?
How do I schedule a live online lesson on Teams?
How do I schedule a Meeting for attendees who are not part of a team?
How do I share meeting recordings on Stream with different Teams?
How do I share my screen during a Teams meeting?
How do I share the computer sound when sharing the screen during a meeting?
How do I use breakout rooms during a Teams meeting?
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Activation of pre-populated teams in Microsoft Teams
How can I add pages to my Team?
How can I correct assignments which are submitted as word documents?
How can I record a lesson using Teams and share it with multiple Teams?
How do I access Teams and how do I join a Team with a Code? (For Students)
How do I add my work to an assignment? (For Students)
How do I avoid students from disrupting the lesson?
How do I check my microphone and camera settings before joining a meeting?
How do I check team members and how do I add team members?
How do I create a private folder in a Team?
How do I create an assignment using a class notebook page?
How do I create read-only files and folders in Teams files?
How do I delete or hide Teams that I do not use?
How do I disable the chat feature in a Meeting?
How do I disallow students from posting and replying to comments in a channel?
How do I disallow students from unmuting themselves?
How do I distribute my Class Notebook pages within and across teams?
How do I download the attendance for a Teams Meeting?
How do I fill in a Class Notebook Page Assignment? (For Students)
How do I find my video recordings for Teams meetings?
How do I fix the low microphone level in Teams?
How do I insert a photo in a Microsoft Word assignment on Teams? (For Students)
How do I install and access Teams on my mobile or tablet?
How do I know who was present for my lesson if I forget to download the attendance?
How do I monitor the activity of my students in a Team?
How do I post an announcement in my Team?
How do I schedule a live online lesson on Teams?
How do I schedule a Meeting for attendees who are not part of a team?
How do I send a document to the background in Class Notebook?
How do I send an assignment to multiple Teams?
How do I send announcements to multiple Teams at the same time?
How do I share files and folders across multiple teams?
How do I share meeting recordings on Stream with different Teams?
How do I share my screen during a Teams meeting?
How do I share the computer sound when sharing the screen during a meeting?
How do I submit a Flipgrid assignment on my mobile or tablet? (For Students)
How do I use breakout rooms during a Teams meeting?
How do I use Microsoft Teams? (For Students)
How do I write inside a word document in an assignment? (For Students)
How do Students hand in assignments using Class Notebook in Microsoft Teams?
How to find and restore archived teams from the previous scholastic year?
How to set up a Quiz and send it as an assignment on Teams?
I cannot access Assignments on the mobile Teams App? (For Students)
I lost my iLearn password, how can I reset it?
The Teams Desktop App is saving my login details, how can I remove them?
What do I do if I cannot see my classes in Microsoft Teams?
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Class Notebook / One Note
Creating a Master Class Notebook
How do I access Class Notebook on my mobile or tablet? (For Students)
How do I create an assignment using a class notebook page?
How do I distribute my Class Notebook pages within and across teams?
How do I fill in a Class Notebook Page Assignment? (For Students)
How do I install OneNote on my mobile or tablet? (For Students)
How do I send a document to the background in Class Notebook?
How do Students hand in assignments using Class Notebook in Microsoft Teams?
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Other Tools
Can I still access RLOs?
Extracting Flash Content from a PowerPoint
How can I add a quiz to a PowerPoint presentation?
How can I combine PDF files?
How can I convert an image to a PDF or a PDF to an image?
How can I create a word search game?
How can I download 360° photos for Class VR or Redbox VR.
How can I edit a PDF document?
How can I edit a video?
How do I book an online appointment with a teacher for parents' day/evening? (For Parents/Guardians)
How do I create Teams assignments using Flipgrid?
How do I download a video from YouTube?
How do I open a new incognito/private window in my browser?
How do I open PDF files with Adobe Reader?
How so I set Microsoft Bookings for Parents' day/evening? (For Teachers)
Installing Software on your AIO (All-In-One) Computer or Laptop using the Education Software Hub
SMART Board GX Series Interactive Flat Panel Features
Using Languages Online
What do I do if my Windows license will expire soon?
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How can a student submit an assignment through MySchool? (For Students)
How can a teacher send assignments to students using MySchool?
How do I access MySchool?
Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship Handbook
Digital Footprint
Disinformation, Misinformation and Hate Speech - Discussion
Escape Room Digital Citizenship Activity
Guidelines by the European Commission
Hate Speech: Using SELMA toolkit
Internet Safety Student Booklet and Quiz
Safe Internet Searching For Young Students
Safely sharing YouTube and Vimeo Video Links
Safer Internet Day lesson focusing on Hate Speech
What is fake news?
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Interactive Flat Panels
Smartboard GX
How can I write over the screen on the Smartboard GX interactive flat panel?
How do I use the front control panel of the SMART Board GX interactive flat panel?
How do I use the SMART Notebook software?
How do I use the Whiteboard app on the Smartboard GX Interactive Flat Panel?
How do I wirelessly share content from my phone or laptop to the Smartboard GX interactive flat panel?
SMART Board GX Series Interactive Flat Panel Features
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Promethean ActivPanel
How do I use the new Promethean ActivPanel IFP?
How can I write over the screen on the Smartboard GX interactive flat panel?
How do I change the Input Source on the Smart Board GX Flat Panel
How do I use the front control panel of the SMART Board GX interactive flat panel?
How do I use the new Promethean ActivPanel IFP?
How do I use the SMART Notebook software?
How do I use the Whiteboard app on the Smartboard GX Interactive Flat Panel?
How do I wirelessly share content from my phone or laptop to the Smartboard GX interactive flat panel?
SMART Board GX Series Interactive Flat Panel Features
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