
Facts4All – Schools as community hubs against disinformationproject was conceived with the aim to develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for school leaders/teachers across Europe and beyond. The MOOC provides interactive activities to tackle disinformation in schools as well as local communities. A total number of 15 school leaders/teachers from Belgium, Finland and Malta were identified and engaged in the project through the respective project partners, and in partnership with EUN’s network of Ministries of Education.

Website: https://fcl.eun.org/facts4all

Duration: 2021 – 2022

Funding: Media Literacy for All pilot programme of the European Union.

Social media: Twitter #Facts4All

Validation workshop

The 15 school leaders/teachers, 5 from Malta, and the project partners gathered for a two-day workshop, where the MOOC concept was presented. The event was held, on the 14th -15th October, and the Maltese delegation met in the Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills Centre Ħamrun.

The Maltese team is composed of:

Educators / leadersSchool
Mr Mario AbdillaICT Teacher, St Ignatius College Middle School
Mr Mario CucciardiHOD PSCD, St Ignatius College senior School
Ms Wendy DecelisHead of Department, Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills
Ms Gabriella GovusSt Catherine High School
Ms Rachel SladdenSt. Joseph Mater Boni Consilii
Mr Joseph MicallefSupport Teacher Digital Literacy on behalf of DLTS
Dr Omar SegunaProject coordinator on behalf of DLTS
Mr Grazio GrixtiDirector DLTS

Based on the results of the above-mentioned workshop, learning activities were later developed and adapted, drawing upon existing tools and best practices. The third phase involved the testing of the MOOC. After a thorough analysis of the project participants’ experience pilot-testing the first version of the MOOC, materials were adapted according to the received feedback. The final stage was the dissemination.

The MOOC is now launched on the European Schoolnet Academy platform

Addressing Online Hate Speech Debate

An online debate, held on Friday 25th February 2022, in collaboration with the Migrant Learners Unit and the Education Officer for Ethics within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes.

Panel Members: Ms Lusine Elizbaryan, Mr Omar Rababah, Ms Lucianne Zammit, Dr Omar Seguna

Lessons by school leaders

St Ignatius College Middle School, lesson by Mr Mario Abdilla

St Benedict College Għaxaq Primary, Ms Wendy Decelis

Mater Bonii Consigli, Ms Rachel Sladden