
​​Meet the Maltese National Support Service

Dr. Rose-anne Camilleri

 eTwinning Coordinator – NSS

Mr. Grazio Grixti

Director Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills

Ms. Antonella Giles

NSS Pedagogical Support Officer

© Dr. Rose-anne Camilleri 2016

The eTwinning Concept

eTwinning mainly offers a virtual platform wherein a community of European educators and schools can share, network and learn together. eTwinning today has developed into a transformative pedagogy which integrates learning outcomes via collaborative cross-curricular projects promoting the concept of project-based learning. Thus it is considered a way of teaching and hence an innovative methodology.

It provides training, professional development, online learning and opportunities for educators across Europe to network, share and learn from each other within a safe environment.

The pillars of the eTwinning community are:

  • the National Support Services in countries within Europe together with the Central Support Service
  • the network of eTwinning Ambassadors
  • the ever-growing network of eTwinning Schools

eTwinning promotes:

  • Innovative learning/teaching approaches
  • European Key Competences for Lifelong Learning
  • Internationalisation
  • Educators’ professional development
  • European Citizenship and values
  • Inclusiveness

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