Digital Citizenship

Our Directorate is participating in these:


Working Groups


eTwinning Online seminar: Media Literacy and Disinformation

This year, 2021, eTwinning has focused on two sides of the same coin: Media literacy, on one side, and how to tackle the phenomenon of disinformation and fake news, on the other. It was made clear during 2020, the year of the corona pandemic, that the exposure of citizens to disinformation is a major challenge not only for adults but also for students. 


Safer Internet Forum 2021

BeSmartOnline! 2021-2022


  • 22nd January – Info session for educators (together with SELFIE).  This wase repeated on 20th April.
  • 11th February – Digital Citizenship Workshop during Safer Internet Day 

13th March – Presentation Videogame culture: a map for teachers and parents – “What do we need to know about videogames?”, presented by Alessandro SORIANI with an introduction by  Murat Kilic- for DL support teachers

3rd April – Workshop about 10 Domains of Digital Citizenship (Council of Europe )

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