
Click below on the circulars you require:

DDLTS 32-2020 WEBINAR – Taħriġ fl-użu tal-Microsoft Teams (Settembru 2020) / DDLTS 32-2020 WEBINAR – Training in the use of Microsoft Teams (September 2020) / Teams Webinars (Summer 2020)

DDLTS 31-2020 eTwinning Webinars Autumn 2020 (Malti) / DDLTS 31-2020 eTwinning Webinars Autumn 2020

DDLTS 30-2020 WEBINAR – Taħriġ Volontarju fl-użu tal-Microsoft Teams / DDLTS 30-2020 WEBINAR – Voluntary Training in the use of Microsoft Teams / Teams Webinars (Summer 2020)

DDLTS 29-2020 Riżorsi tas-Sajf għas-snin 4 u 5 / DDLTS 29-2020 Summer Tablet Profile for year 4 and 5 / Summer profile OTPC

DDLTS 28-2020 eTwinning kors Onlajn 2020 / DDLTS 28-2020 eTwinning Online course 2020

DDLTS 27-2020 Ċelebrazzjoni Onlajn tal-premju tal-eTwinning School Label 2020-21 / DDLTS 27-2020 Online Celebration of the eTwinning School Label Award 2020-21 / Poster

DDLTS 26-2020 Pjattaformi għat-Tagħlim / DDLTS 26-2020 Platforms for Teaching and Learning / Download files from Fronter

DDLTS 25-2020 Riċerka Teknoloġija Portabbli / DDLTS 25-2020 Research Study Portable Technology / DDLTS 25-2020 Ricerka Teknologija Portabbli / DDLTS 25-2020 Research Study Portable Technology

DDLTS 24-2020 Feedback tal-SMT dwar One-Tablet-Per-Child / DDLTS 24-2020 SMT Feedback about One-Tablet-Per-Child

DDLTS 23-2020 Programmi tal-Edukaturi fil-Litteriżmu Diġitali estiżi għas-sena skolastika li jmiss / DDLTS 23-2020 Digital Literacy Educator Programmes extension to next scholastic year

DDLTS 22-2020 It-tielet serje ta’ webinars tal-eTwinning 2020 / DDLTS 22-2020 3rd Series of eTwinning Webinars 2020

DDLTS 21-2020 Applikazzjoni għal Labels ta Kwalita Nazzjonali tal-eTwinning 2019-20 / DDLTS 21-2020 Applying for the eTwinning National Quality Label 2019-20

DDLTS 20-2020 Embed Digital Literacy Awards 2020 (Malti) / DDLTS 20-2020 Embed Digital Literacy Awards 2020

DDLTS 19-2020 Webinar għall-Mexxeja tal-Iskejjel / DDLTS 19-2020 Webinar for School Leaders

DDLTS 18-2020 EU Code Week Icebreaker – MOOC Circular MT / DDLTS 18-2020 EU Code Week Icebreaker – MOOC EN

DDLTS 17-2020 Ir-rispons tiegħek dwar it-tagħlim onlajn / DDLTS 17-2020 Your feedback about online teaching and learning

DDLTS 16-2020 It-Tagħlim fiż-Żmien Diġitali / DDLTS 16-2020 Teaching in a Digital Age

DDLTS 15-2020 It-tieni serje ta ‘ webinars tal-eTwinning / DDLTS 15-2020 2nd Series of eTwinning webinars

DDLTS 14-2020 Toolkit għat-Tagħlim Onlajn u Webinars ġodda għall-Iskejjel Medji u Sekondarji / DDLTS 14-2020 Online Learning Toolkit and new Webinars for Middle and Secondary Schools

DDLTS 13-2020 Toolkit għat-Tagħlim Onlajn għall-Iskejjel Primarji / DDLTS 13-2020 Online and Distance Learning Toolkit for Primary Schools

DDLTS 12-2020 Webinar – Microsoft Teams għall-Mexxejja tal-Iskejjel / DDLTS 12-2020 Webinar – Microsoft Teams for School Leaders

DDLTS 11-2020 Onlajn Webinars dwar il-Microsoft Teams / DDLTS 11-2020 Microsoft Teams Online Webinars (003) / Microsoft Teams online tutorials

DDLTS 10-2020 Serje ta Webinar – Tagħlim Onlajn għall-Iskejjel Primarji / DDLTS 10-2020 Webinar Series – Online Learning for Primary Schools / Online Learning Webinars

DDLTS 9-2020 Serje ta’ webinars tal-eTwinning April 2020 / DDLTS 9-2020 Series of eTwinning webinars April 2020

DDLTS 8-2020 SELFIE & Digital Citizenship Education Information Session – Workshops for Educators

DDLTS 7-2020 J2E Tools (Malti) / DDLTS 7-2020 J2E Tools / J2e Malta

DDLTS 6-2020 Ġbir mill-iskejjel tat-teblits li nbiddlu minħabba ħsara 16-27 ta’ Marzu 2020 / DDLTS 6-2020 Collection of faulty tablets from schools 16-27th March 2020 / Box details

DDLTS 5-2020 Kompetizzjoni tal-eTwinning – 15-il sena anniversarju tal-eTwinning / DDLTS 5-2020 eTwinning Competition – 15th eTwinning Anniversary Poster Competition

DDLTS 4-2020 Is-Siġra tal-eTwinning! Inizjattiva bejn Malta u s-Slovenja / DDLTS 4-2020 The eTwinning Tree! An initiative between Malta and Slovenia

DDLTS 3-2020 DICTE – Żvilupp tal-ICT fl-Edukazzjoni tal-għalliema / DDLTS 3-2020 DICTE – Developing ICT in Teacher Education / DICTE

DDLTS 2-2020 eTwinning Online Seminar – Applikazzjoni għal-Label tal-iskola tal-eTwinning 2020-21 / DDLTS 2-2020 eTwinning Online Seminar (Webinar) – The eTwinning School Application 2020-21

DDLTS 1-2020 SELFIE Sessjoni ta’ Informazzjoni għall-Edukaturi / DDLTS 1-2020 SELFIE & Digital Citizenship Education Information Session – Workshops for Educators

DDLTS 45-2019 Korsijiet tal-Edukazzjoni Diġitali / DDLTS 45-2019 Digital Education Courses

DDLTS 44-2019 Nieħdu ħsieb it-Tablet (OTPC) / DDLTS 44-2019 Taking Care of the OTPC Tablet / Tablet Care / Workbook-Parent-Instruction-Manual-v01r07

DDLTS 43/2019 Tnedija ta’ Sit Elettroniku Ġdid tad-DDLTS / DDLTS 43/2019 Launch of New DDLTS website

DDLTS 42/2019 Kompetizzjoni tal-Coding 2019 / DDLTS 42/2019 Coding Competition 2019

DDLTS 41/2019 Kompetizzjoni għall-Iskejjel: Premju Comenius Amos għal Tagħlim ta ‘ Kwalità Għolja dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea – sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet / DDLTS 41/2019 School Competition: Jan Amos Comenius Prize for high quality teaching about the European Union – call for applications / Jan Amos Comenius Prize

DDLTS 40/2019 Kalendarju tal-Attivitajiet tad-DDLTS / DDLTS 40/2019 Calendar of Events of DDLTS / Calendar of Events

DDLTS 39/2019 Programmi tal-Litteriżmu Diġitali għall-għalliema tal-Primarja 2019-2020 / DDLTS 39/2019 Primary Educator Digital Literacy Programmes 2019-2020

DDLTS 37/2019 Tqassim tat-Tablets lill-istudenti tar-Raba’ Sena /DDLTS 37/2019 Distribution of Tablets / Suggested Procedures for Distribution of Tablets / Deliveries list

DDLTS 36/2019 Ritorn tat-Tablet (OTPC) / DDLTS 36/2019 Return of OTPC Tablet

DDLTS  35/2019 SELFIE Sessjoni ta’ Informazzjoni għall-Edukaturi / DDLTS   35/2019 SELFIE Information Session for Educators

DDLTS 34/2019 Seminar tal-eTwinning f’Għawdex – is-Sibt 9 ta’ Novembru 2019 / DDLTS 34/2019 eTwinning Seminar in Gozo – Saturday 9th November 2019

DDLTS 33/2019 Kompetizzjoni tal-eTwinning: Oħloq Logo għall-eTwinning minn materjal riċiklat / DDLTS  33/2019 eTwinning Competition:  Create the eTwinning Logo using recycled material

DDLTS  32/2019 Programm Pilota Mightifier: Tagħlim Soċjali U Emozzjonali, Is-Saħħa Mentali U Sigurta` fl-Iskola / DDLTS  32/2019 Mightifier Pilot Programme: Social and emotional learning, mental health and school safety / Mightifier Flyer

DDLTS  31/2019 EU Code Week 2019 / DDLTS 31/2019 EU Code Week 2019 / Inspiring Digital Skills / Flyer / Infographic

DDLTS 30/2019 Kontinwazzjonital-One Tablet Per Child: Ir-Raba’ Fażi / DDLTS 30/2019 Continuation of One Tablet Per Child: Phase 4

DDLTS 29/2019 Stedina għal eTwinning Seminar ġewwa Madrid – Spanja, għal-għalliema tal-Ispanjol fi skejjel sekondarji / DDLTS 29/2019 InvitationtoattendaneTwinning Seminar for Spanish Secondary School teachers in Spain – Madrid.

DDLTS  28/2019 Ngħaqqdu l-eTwinning u Erasmus+ Stedina biex tattendi workshop konġunt bejn eTwinning NSS u EUPA / DDLTS 28/2019 Bridging eTwinning & Erasmus+ An invitation to attend a joint workshop between eTwinning NSS and EUPA

DDLTS 27-19 Letter Circular – Summer Lesson Profile for year 4 and year 5 students

DDLTS 26-2019 OTPC Training during Scholastic Year 2019-20

DDLTS 25-2019 Research Study Examining the Current State of Computing Education

DDLTS 24-2019 – Feedback of SMT about OTPC

DDLTS 23-2019 The Future Classroom concept – an introduction

DDLTS 22-2019 Master Class 2019 – Old and new media and fake news

DDLTS 21-2019 OTPC – Collection of Year 6 student tablets – 1st week of June / Box details / Collection box 1 / Location of Digital Literacy Centre / Note to Parents and Guardians English and Maltese Versions / Suggested guidelines for schools to ease the collection of Year 6 student1 – Non State Schools

DDLTS 20-2019 Collection of Year 6 students’ tablets – 1st week of June/ Letter Circular Collection of Year 6 students’ tablets (State Schools) / Note to Parents and Guardians English and Maltese Versions

DDLTS 19-2019 Applying for the eTwinning Quality Label 2018-19 / Applying for Quality Label with logo / Downloading the Quality Label Certificate With logo

DDLTS 18-2019 Register your school to participate in SELFIE / SELFIE School Coordinator guide _EN

DDLTS 17-2019 SELFIE Seminar / What is SELFIE about and what are its benefits

DDLTS 16-2019 – SELFIE information session for Educators

DDLTS 15-2019 Seminar for Educators in Gozo

DDLTS 14-2019 EU Code Week – Google Grant for Schools

DDLTS 13-2019 Embed Digital Literacy Awards 2019

DDLTS 12-2019 eTwinning Online Seminar (Webinar) – The new Twinspace

DDLTS 11-2019 Letter Circular – Take a Selfie

DDLTS 10-2019 Digital Learning Re-shaping Education / Application form to attend eTwinning Seminar Malta_ APril 2019

DDLTS 9-2019 Invitation to attend an eTwinning Seminar on ‘Using Technology in Education through eTwinning’ for Primary and Secondary School teachers in Izmir Turk / Application form to attend eTwinning Seminar abroad_Turkey

DDLTS 8-2019 Bullying not in my class! Online Course

DDLTS 07-2019 Apps for One Tablet Per Child / Flyer Apps for One Tablet Per Child

DDLTS 6-2019 Invitation to attend Séminaire eTwinning francophone on Participation démocratique in Canopé Lille France / Application to attend Séminaire eTwinning francophone

DDLTS 5-2019 Invitation to attend an eTwinning Seminar in Albania / Application to attend an eTwinning Seminar abroad

DDLTS 4-2019 Safer Internet Day 2019 – Together for a Better Internet

DDLTS 3-2019 The use of the eTwinning Platform by Maltese Educators

DDLTS 2-2019 Invitation to attend an eTwinning Seminar on Coding and Computational Thinking for Secondary School teachers in Oslo, Norway / Application form

DDLTS 1-2019 Malta Robo League / Malta Robo League flyer